Monday, February 25, 2013

Why you need to outsource in 2013 to be profitable.

Software development is hard, many believe that outsourcing software development is even harder but if you want to keep pace while eliminating costs find a way in 2013.  

How do you start? 
Answer: choose the right partner.

I understand the word "partner" can be over utilized, let me define what I mean by partner in the context of this article.

Outsource "Partner" definition:  a person or business that will gain more with your projects success.  

It is as simple as that.  Now I don't mean that you can outsource and get work done without hard costs I mean that your outsource partner should be invested in your project.

Worldwide spending in offshore IT outsourcing alone is expected to be over $325 BILLION IN 2013 representing a 21% uptick from 2012 in a slow global economy.  Why?  

  • Technically proficient: Simply better more educated, better qualified
  • Cost less: up to ten times in 2013 when compared to fully loaded employee costs
  • Save time: immediate project ramp up, no hiring training or waiting for other projects to be done
  • Fast results: beat your competitors to market and get projects done quicker by choosing a partner that knows your business
  • Fresh blood, original ideas:  highly experienced pros that have worked across verticals and  bring best-practice concepts to the table
  • Support: get support for the solution developed at a significant discount for the long-ha
What do the IT experts think:
  • 48% plan to hire more outsourced development talent vs. internal employees
  • 63% trust that the work done by outsourcers is better than work done by internal staff
Ask yourself?
  • If you are a highly talented software developer would you work as an in-house developer performing the same mundane development tasks day in and day out?  
  • or would you work for a software company that performs new, exciting leading edge project every month?
The best talent is typically not within your four walls.  

  • Always choose an offshore development partner with a strong US based project handler.  if you can benefit from everything that an offshore team provides without the SIGNIFICANT RISKS of managing an offshore team there is no bigger WIN-WIN.
Did you know only 4% of companies use strictly offshore IT outsourcing and that 55% of companies utilize both onshore and offshore IT outsourcing and a primary reasons communication, understanding and trust. 

If you have not heard of BeyondKey Systems thats OK find out why we
  • guarantee our development, 
  • partner with our clients and work the way you need
  • have significant experience across several major global vertical market
We are so good you will think we are in the corner office! 

JD Meints
VP Business Development
818.338.6057 (Los Angeles, CA)

Contact me direct and lets us start with a small project, gain your trust and go from there.

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